More exciting news!

I haven’t been updating the blog very much, for which I apologize! But there have still been some exciting things going on.

  • I had a wonderful talk at Mount Vernon, which you can watch via that link.

  • I also had a great exchange at the CUNY Graduate Center, hosted by the Early American Republic Seminar, with David Waldstreicher about our books: you can check out his The Odyssey of Phillis Wheatley which has also recently come out.

  • The Graduate Center of CUNY interviewed me: “Who Burned New York in 1776?

  • Erik Ofgang, writing for Smithsonian Magazine, asks more specifically, “Did George Washington Order Rebels to Burn New York City in 1776?

  • Dozens of colleagues were recognized at the Brooklyn College Faculty Authors Reception, which is held each spring.

  • Along with other colleagues, I will receive an Award for Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Achievement at Brooklyn College, at a ceremony at the end of the Annual Faculty Day Conference this week.

And there is more to come! Upcoming talks:


Summer's End: Upcoming Events


More media stuff!